Evil all around! I Saw the Devil review!

Every so often, a hole must be filled.  This hole is the deepest, darkness, most horrifying and brutally stricken hole  a single person would imagine if they had the fortitude to ever do so.  The reason this hole needs to be filled lies majorly with curiosity and morbidness.  Human nature is quirky and our senses need to be overloaded with fear and shock when the time calls for it.  Jee-woon Kim’s I Saw the Devil fills that hole and exceeds to overflow it with unmerciful loathing which will haunt you long after the credits roll.

A solitary man rapes and dismembers young women in order to appease his appetite for human suffering, but when when one of his victims turns out to be the pregnant fiance of a secret service agent and a former police chief’s daughter, he may have made a big mistake.  The agent devises a plan to find his fiance’s killer and play a capture and release torture game in order to inflict as much as pain as the killer has caused the agent’s fiance.  What the agent doesn’t realize is that this killer is relentless when it comes to getting even and nothing will stop his destructive path.

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